Website Hosting “101”: How I built and deployed my own website

TLDR; Do you have a dynamic website idea? I did, too. I also wanted to know what it would take to build and deploy my website using Python. Here’s how I did it:

  1. I came across the Django web framework and started learning its basics by reading its well-written documentation. The main reason for learning Django was to be able to write a backend for my website.
  2. I used ChatGPT to have a frontend (as well as other boring stuff) for my website. I hate centering divs.
  3. I used NameCheap to buy a custom domain name, and I deployed my website (Python app) on it.

What does “having a website” mean?

A website is a site that you can visit on the web. This means that it is an online document that provides information to people who might need it. This online document is stored in one or more physical machines. For simplicity, let us assume that it is stored only on your machine and its content is about learning a new programming language. If it is stored on your own laptop, you can easily access the document. Now begins the monologue: 

* But what if you also wanted others to be able to access it? 
^ Well, you could just send them the document via email or other messaging services, right? 
* Yeah, you’re right.
* Hm… But what if there are hundreds of people whom the document should be sent to?
^ You could automate the process by writing a computer program to send the documents to every person via email for you.
* Nice! Wait… But… How on Earth can other people access the document if I am the one sending it to a bunch of my friends whose email addresses I know?
^ Well, you could just advertise this document by putting a nice title on the street walls and, at the bottom, put your email address to let them message you in case they want the full document.
^ Then you can even modify your computer program to wait to get messages from strangers and send them back your document.
* Cool. This was very simple to understand, but we have much more to do than I initially thought.

In the monologue above, the computer and the program that sends your document to other people is called a web server. It is just a computer with a program that sends documents. Its purpose is to automate the “document sending” processes that you would have done manually if you didn’t have or use a web server. Using the analogy, advertising your document on street walls and publicly letting other people know your (email) address is called a domain name. It is some sort of address that is accessible publicly. Finally, the process of waiting to get messages from strangers and then sending them back documents is called web hosting. It is the process that takes place in a web server. This web server could be your computer but then if you shut it down or electricity is cut, your service would cease working too. So, people usually rent computers that are running 24 hours for 7 days. When it comes to making your web content accessible to the public, people also use a domain name server (DNS) instead of putting your email address on the street walls all over the world. DNS gives you the flexibility to choose a name for your address so that people could easily remember and use this name to access your content. It is like an email but instead of forwarding user requests to your personal email, it forwards them to your web server so that it can deal with each request and send back relevant content. This is how it works in a nutshell.

* I could also do this for other types of documents, right?
^ Right.
* For images, videos, songs..?
^ Sure.
* I could even send some sort of a form as a document asking for the title of the document you would like to receive, and then people can fill in the form and send it back to me, and then I can again send them a document based on their interests. Right?
^ Yeah, man. It is like a message exchange between you and the people. It is, in fact, a message exchange.

This is what makes websites dynamic as opposed to static, where websites can only serve static content that is not based on the user input. Since a web server is nothing more than a computer with a program that sends documents, you could modify the program to make it do all sorts of things. The program that processes the requests is called the backend of the website. It is running on the background without people knowing its content and how it works, so the name makes sense. In contrast, what people see on your website (i.e., stylish designs to make your content look nicer) is called frontend. This name also makes sense if you think about it. To summarize, there are both frontend and backend components in a web server, and when the web server starts hosting your content to the public, it waits to receive requests from users, then sends those requests to the backend for it to process them and send back relevant documents and whatnot, then mixes those documents with the frontend to make them look better visually, and finally sends them nice looking documents back to the users.

* So, how could I make this thing just work now?
^ You need to rent (or buy) a computer that runs 24/7 and acts as the web server, then write a program that acts as the backend (and optionally write the frontend), then host it on your web server.
^ Then people can just connect to your web server and play with your website (backend + frontend).
^ You could optionally buy a domain name, too, to make the address of your web server seem a lot more memorizable for the users. It’s like an old telephone directory or the “Contacts” app in your phone — it just substitutes computer addresses with words as your “Contacts” app would substitute phone numbers with names.
* Show me da way.

Now, we know what we are after. It is time to build it.

1. Learning Django Framework

Django is a web framework you can use in Python to build dynamic web apps. I tend to stick with the basics, so I didn’t learn the advanced stuff to become a Django pro. Only the things that I really needed or thought that I needed (but I didn’t sometimes). But this is the beauty of trying to do something on your own — you diverge and converge as a mathematical function that has never been seen before. To converge and finally know what you are doing, you must first diverge A LOT, like REALLY A LOT. In the process, you learn so much, though. Anyway, back to the Django.

I started with Django’s tutorials initially, then jumped on and off this video on YouTube to shortcut my way to implementing Django Forms and whatnot. I quickly realized how Django made everything very easy. Writing the backend was just a matter of sitting down and spelling out your backend logic. This is also hugely due to Python; you don’t need to think about and type every technical decision that needs to be made. This is another topic in itself, but now, let’s focus on today’s topic.

2. The Right Job for ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT to write the frontend for my website. It generated a bunch of HTML and CSS files, and I copied them viciously. Well, I made some changes to make it show my web content, but other than that, it was pure joy for me to be able to skip this kind of design work for a website. It also did a great job with the design, by the way. So, I was happy with what I got. The prompting started with me directly asking for the HTML/CSS files by describing the purpose of my website (very) briefly in one or two sentences. It was like, “Generate a web page template with HTML and CSS files for a website whose aim is simply to let users sign up and do X.”. Then, as I needed designs for my different web pages, my prompting template was “Now, generate a user profile page where the user’s name, email, and bio are displayed along with the list of posts that he has posted.”. ChatGPT generated one HTML and one CSS each time I prompted it like that. Then I would copy them and make some minor changes as I needed, and if a big change needed to be done, I would prefer to ask ChatGPT to redo it for me. I also asked it to generate images for my website but I ended up using none of them; good ol’ google images was the best place to find appropriate images. 

Yeah… There is not actually much to say here. This is all it was. Simple stuff.

3. Hosting? Deploying? How?

I tried several options: Vercel, AWS, Kamatera, NameCheap. Well, Vercel was easy and fast to deploy the project by importing it from my private GitHub repository. But the problem was that I couldn’t figure out why it gave me “read-only database” error when I was trying to write to the database through my web app. I also decoupled the backend from the database. I used Vercel Postgres as a separate database and connected my Django backend to it by changing the file as follows:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '', 
                 '', # ip address of my website
                 '', ''] # domain name(s)

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "NAME": "app_db",
        "USER": "postgres",
        "PASSWORD": "admin",
        "HOST": "localhost",
        "PORT": "5432",

STATIC_URL = "static/"
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles")
    BASE_DIR / "static",
    # "/var/www/static/",

But it didn’t work for some reason. So, I thought maybe I should use AWS to run my PostgreSQL database. Would be easier with AWS, wouldn’t it? It turned out that you cannot remotely access your database running on an AWS server because the accessibility is set to “private” instead of “public” by default. I changed to public accessibility, but I still couldn’t connect to it from my own laptop. So, I dropped it and quickly found out Kamatera. I quickly signed up and installed a 4$ per month machine, which is free to use for the first month. I ssh-ed into the machine and installed Postgres. My initial idea was that my backend running on Vercel would connect a normal readable and writable PostgreSQL database running on Kamatera’s server. It didn’t work. So, I copied all my project files from my machine to Kamatera’s server. It worked, and I could even remotely connect to the database from my own laptop. The thing was, I needed to run it as a web server. So, I installed found [this article] about nginx on the internet. The article helped me to install and configure nginx on the Kamatera’s Ubuntu 22.04 server. And… It worked. Well, except that I used a raw IP4 address to access my website, and it kept losing its connection to the database that was running on the same machine. For some reason, even though PostgreSQL status was active, it constantly stopped to listen on port 5432. I had to restart it manually several times. I thought I could write a cronjob for this but then I thought, man, this is already running on a duck tape; no need to make my luck run out. So, I went back to NameCheap and clicked “Go to cPanel” button near my domain name. On the cPanel, I saw things like “Manage shell”, “SSH Access”, “Python App”, and other potentially useful and interesting stuff. I ended up ssh-ing the server and remotely exploring the machine a bit. Then, I clicked “Python App” to run my Django website on this server. Here is how I configured it:

Project root: DID/
Project URI:
Application: DID/
Entry point: app


It was easier for me to implement the backend with Django and then use the frontend files that ChatGPT generated than dealing with the website hosting part. I think I didn’t have a good enough mental model and understanding of what was going on under the whole web hosting abstractions. I still don’t have a good understanding for sure, but it is enough to deploy something even if everything is not done in a “pro” way. This is, I think, all one needs, though — just dive into the deep scary ocean of learning new things, learn how to make a really shitty prototype that is held together with a bunch of duck tapes, and then improve by learning how to remove one duck tape at a time.


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